

It is a fruit with a thin skin that has a meaty and delicious core . We use hybrid pistachios in Farmidarena that has an American descent.
These seedlings are up to twice as productive as regular trees.
Also, these trees bear fruit from the first year of planting.

honey bee


honey bee

How honey bees play a role in pollination of flowers:

In fact, for the first time, scientists have succeeded in identifying the point that after honeybees collect pollen and shake it, how much of it remains on the body of the bees and which part of the bee"s body has the most unshaken pollen. .

The results of the investigations show that the remaining of pollen on the body of bees is closely related to the type of sitting on the flowers and the location of the reproductive organs of these plants. In fact, the pollination of flowers depends a lot on the way the bees shake their bodies and the location of the remaining pollen on the body of these insects.

honey bee


honey bee

How honey bees play a role in pollination of flowers:

In fact, for the first time, scientists have succeeded in identifying the point that after honeybees collect pollen and shake it, how much of it remains on the body of the bees and which part of the bee"s body has the most unshaken pollen. .

The results of the investigations show that the remaining of pollen on the body of bees is closely related to the type of sitting on the flowers and the location of the reproductive organs of these plants. In fact, the pollination of flowers depends a lot on the way the bees shake their bodies and the location of the remaining pollen on the body of these insects.


First, we need to know



In ancient times and now in some villages the land is plowed with cattle. First, we need to know what plowing means. And what are the benefits? In simple terms, plowing means turning the soil upside down Which has the following benefits:

1- It causes oxygen to penetrate into the soil.

2- It causes subsoil of soil and mixing of soil with plant residues.

3- Water storage in the soil.

4- Crushing of soil particles.


First, we need to know



In ancient times and now in some villages the land is plowed with cattle. First, we need to know what plowing means. And what are the benefits? In simple terms, plowing means turning the soil upside down Which has the following benefits:

1- It causes oxygen to penetrate into the soil.

2- It causes subsoil of soil and mixing of soil with plant residues.

3- Water storage in the soil.

4- Crushing of soil particles.